thoughts on...

over organizing

Has it ever occurred to you that there is always a blog posting about productivity? I always see popular having a link to something regarding how to accomplish your work more effectively. I swear I’ve read so many that not only has it taught me that I need to have a certain type of pens and moleskine wherever I go, but the countless hours of productivity to reading such posts has got to be insurmountable to what could have been accomplished.

You could place me on a “me too” list if you’d like, but after spending this past summer with Embark in San Francisco, the start-up bug has bitten me. Sitting and reading one of many Paul Graham’s articles only does so much – the drive is what counts. Can I do what it takes to succeed? Can I learn from others and be able to successfully channel so much that I have in terms of people and resources? The most successful have had many things working against them, and that stress caused opportunities to present themselves to allow them to succeed.

How can one generate a pressure-cooker from which something can come out of?

I’ll be attacking the Twitter API as well as Yahoo’s, experimenting with Python and the Pylons Web Framework with connections to SQLAlchemy. Throwing a bunch of technologies together does not by any means guarantee something to be formed instantly, but only time will tell.