thoughts on...

Thanks to a nifty little program called WriteRoom, I’ve sat around and punched out all sorts of streams of consciousness. I haven’t spent nearly enough time on this blog, from skimming down the bloated blogger template to moving to my own private hosting as well as what the actual content should be. The current pressing issue is deciding on what should appear here. Having information with no “face” causes the material to lose richness. On the flip side, providing a lens into my life is a dangerous thing as this material will all live on forever thanks to the Wayback Machine.

I think I’ll end up finding a healthy balance without being so overly vague in what I expose (yay reading over material before posting) and get my thoughts across from whatever danced across my mind. Really though, I never thought to much about how well I’ve expressed myself. I’ve thought I’ve over-expressed myself at times, but really I’ve ended up saying…well…nothing. This weekend some stuff that I’ve been mulling about will go up, I promise! It’ll be good.