thoughts on...

Lets see how short of a post I can make, as many many many things have been going on. First off, lets dig a little deeper into what I was able to do over my spring break just over two weeks ago. School wound down and allowed me to plan out an incredibly packed trip to SF, where almost every meal I had was with friends and former co-workers along with interviews at a few small companies in the area. After losing sleep for two nights thinking about my future, I ended up signing an offer letter to to be a software developer upon graduation. I’m still a bit stunned that I was able to find such a great place, located right within the city with incredibly smart and dedicated people building out their widget platform. I really am chomping at the bit to get my hands dirty and working with them, so as soon as I was back at school I picked up a few books on Hibernate and JSP and spec’ed out a few small applications I could build to give me both a refresher in Java and teach me Java-based web development. It’s actually going to be quite trippy migrating from a C# / ASP.NET web development background to Java, which has about 7 years more time to mature.

As much as I do want to start hacking around, school started up and beat me down before I could say, “Last quarter partying!” I’m in the process of pulling out of a class I was re-taking (Assembly / CPU-design) to concentrate on Entrepreneurship and Grid Computing (check out me on the wiki!) which has become something between a part-time and full-time job. We need to build out a business plan over the course of the quarter in Entrepreneurship, which will involve some solid groupwork, but the part that makes me bite my knuckles is the analysis of case studies we have to follow that we only get a few days to do. Not a fan. GC on the other hand, is a straight up graduate course that is pure research. Already we’ve had to cook up presentations, dig through research papers, and right now I’m in the process of trying to solidify a project proposal for the entire quarter thats due this Thursday. I’m incredibly excited on what I’ll be working on and the fact that I’ll be writing an excellent paper on it will make IEEE/ACM editors glow with delight is simply awesome. Once I fall into a somewhat organized cycle in getting everything done, I’ll drop interesting notes about it here.

My mind has been non-stop churning along since last Sunday, and will probably continue to do so until after BarCamp is completed. I think I’m also having some sort of cold right now, combined with wild headaches with the mind in overdrive and the lungs complaining from a run I pushed myself too hard too fast on (somewhat out of shape plus cold weather) is just adding to the blend that is me currently.

It looks like I’ll be running full steam ahead until graduation.