This past weekend was the third BarCamp held at RIT, BarCampRochester3 and I had hanging over my head being one of the hosts pulling it together mostly in the last two weeks leading up to it. I’ll put up pictures on Flickr (tag: barcamprochester3), but as for now my snaps are on Facebook. As for slides, I was going to tweak them for my Public Speaking class as I have an “informative presentation” to give this week and I’ll put them up via SlideShare and post it here along with a presentation made for my Grid Computing “class”.
I think the best part of the event is the type of people we attracted to it – smart, interesting and dedicated individuals that wanted to learn from others and it is those people who take the reigns. I felt like there were so many great people there and I was able to talk to many but not all of them. Aside from the event being a fun place to learn about cool subjects, its the perfect networking event. Chatting it up with those who I will see again out in SF was great and talking about the current and future state of web applications (coincidentally my talk) kept me energized for the entire day. Well, that and the wonderful Coke products we bought (RIT is a Pepsi campus) like Hi-C! I mean come on, it was a huge hit and completely brought us back to the carefree days of running around outside after elementary school was out.
I’d also like to give a big shout-out to those who were able to come, specifically those not in the area like Jordan Sissel (SF), Jason Morrison (Boston), David Recordon (SF), Justin Thorp (DC) and John Resig (Boston). Many people were psyched at how well it went and although I may be leaving, others are ready and willing to pull together an even bigger one come this fall. So glad that I was able to be a part of it before I go – definitely can’t wait to particpate in more meetups!